winds-of-changeThe Winds of Change

(excerpt) October 12, 1993

The University Eye Foundation (Calgary) will also provide leadership.  It shall provide medical and surgical services outside of the public institutions and public purse.  It will also help educate the public, our medical colleagues and ourselves.  It will raise funds to support eye research and important medical services that the public purse can no longer fund.  This charitable organization will , most importantly, set an example of contributing to the solution of our health care challenges.     Peter T. Huang  M.D.  F.R.C.S.C


The University Eye Foundation (Calgary),  incorporated by the Societies Act of Alberta, September 27, 1993.

Name Change

Approved by Government of Alberta, Corporate Registry, the University Eye Foundation officially changed (2017) its name to Calgary Eye Foundation, to provide clarity as to where our vision, mission and efforts are focused to support advancing eye health in Southern Alberta.

Founding Members

Dr. Peter Huang     Dr. Robert Mitchell      Dr. Ronald Jans      Dr. Stanley Smith   Dr. Patrick Wyse

Charitable Status

Approved as a Registered Charity in the Province of Alberta, January 1, 1994. Charitable# 140852195RR0001