Our Vision

 “An outstanding ophthalmology network in Calgary for leading eye care training and vision research”.

Our Mission

“Supporting excellence in medical and surgical eye care through enhanced education, research and program development”.

Our Values
Strive tirelessly to improve vision care.

  • We commit to using local expertise and talents to improve vision care
  • We work to maintain high quality of service and delivery
  • We collaborate and support our vision scientists, researchers, educators and care-givers
  • We appreciate our volunteers and donors; we promise to use their time, efforts, and resources wisely, appropriately and with integrity of purpose
  • We conduct our activities with a high degree of professionalism, respect, integrity and compassion at all levels
  • We remember our beginnings with respect and will uphold our grass root heritage never losing sight of the compassion and dedication to vision care that makes us the Calgary  Eye Foundation

Our Goals
We raise funds and support excellence in vision research, education and program development. Areas that we fund include Ophthalmology educational programs for students at many levels including medical training, residency, fellowships.  Continued education for faculty and allied health professionals.

We engage with the Calgary community to bring awareness, support and advocacy of eye health.
